Javascript Server Sent Events SSE easy tutorial demo of (EventSource) 4

Javascript Server  Sent Events SSE easy tutorial demo of (EventSource)
This  easy to follow tutorial will show you how to stream server data  (sometimes called SSE’s, Server Sent Events) , in real-time to your browser. Using  Javascript’s EventSource API  interface we can seamlessly update and display on a web page real-time  server-sent data  all without the complexities of setting up a web socket server. Why ...

Top 10 incredibly useful Javascript / Jquery code snippets 2

Top 10 incredibly useful Javascript  / Jquery  code snippets
Here’s my list of 10 useful  JavaScript &  some Jquery code snippets.  The  code snippets below are pretty useful and find myself reusing them again and again in all sorts of situations.  I have created full-page examples of these snippets, go grab them over at my [icon name=”github” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Javascript Github Repo  Note: For ...
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4:37 am
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