saving ContentEditable HTML using PHP simple example 7

saving ContentEditable HTML using PHP simple example
HTML supports (in most browsers) the contentEditable attribute which allows you to dynamically change a web page(s) content by simply editing the page, think of it like a WYSIWYG editor , but built-in to the browser. The purpose of this post is to show you how you can use this to create a simple, but ...

Top 10 incredibly useful Javascript / Jquery code snippets 2

Top 10 incredibly useful Javascript  / Jquery  code snippets
Here’s my list of 10 useful  JavaScript &  some Jquery code snippets.  The  code snippets below are pretty useful and find myself reusing them again and again in all sorts of situations.  I have created full-page examples of these snippets, go grab them over at my [icon name=”github” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Javascript Github Repo  Note: For ...

Bootstrap Bootgrid with PHP json server side script 37

Bootstrap Bootgrid with PHP json server side script
I recently came across Jquery Bootgrid, which is Twitter Bootstrap (aka bootstrap)  friendly table grid, that is very similar in function to Datatables.While not as feature rich as datatables (yet), it provides a very tiny 4Kb (minified and gzipped) footprint and allows you to leverage all the typography and layout control elements that are present in bootstrap. ...

HTTP long poll example in php ajax 4

[icon name=”paper-plane” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] UPDATED: A better and easier way to do this is via Server Sent Events, Check out my recent post. Simple and easy PHP example of how to integrate long-polling (“hanging GET”) to simulate server PUSH and add more dynamic content to your web pages. As a standard HTTP is terrific protocol ...
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