Create longer music tracks by appending same track with crossfade

Create longer music tracks by appending same track with crossfade
A common thing I usually do with my video files is background music, sometimes I find a track that I like but its too short usually under two minutes, so what I wind up having to do is exented the track by composiiting the track onto itself but doing in such a was as to ...

Linux backup and rotate script 11

A common task to do with backups is to rotate them , so that you have multiple copies of critical files going back x days. Below is a bash script (Linux command line) that does this. Why Rotate Backups? Why not just one current backup file… The primary reason to have a rotating backup system, ...

Shell script code: show oldest | newest file in folder and file age 2

Shell script code: show oldest | newest file in folder and file age
Determining Oldest file and file age Today I had to write a short shell script to help figure out the oldest file in a particular folder, how old that file was (in secs or minutes). This is a pretty common requirement when dealing with file(s) folders  such as working directories, where you periodically need to ...
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