2013 Sports calendar and goals

2013 Sports Calendar


My tentative 2013 race & event schedule.
Races marked with an *   indicates races I have already registered or will  be definitely doing,
others listed are events I’m considering but undecided, popular races sell out quickly (sometimes within minutes of open registration). ..

Schedule may change due to unforeseen circumstances..


    1. *  Mar-17 NYC 13.1 half NYC , NY (http://www.nyrr.org/)
    2. *   April-14 10K Cherry Blossom Branch Brook Park, Newark , NJ (compuscore.com)
    3. *   Apr-21 Rutgers 13.1  half New Brunswick, NJ (http://unite.cgiracing.com/default.aspx)
    4. * May-11 Newport 10k, Jersey City, NJ (http://www.newport10k.com/)
    5.   Sept. 15, 2013 , 13.1 Rock ‘n Roll Philadelphia half marathon 
    6.  Ashenfelter 8km Glen Ridge, NJ,Thanksgiving Sunday


maybe doing…



  • Aug. 10, Hero Rush (Firemen themed obstacle) Pennsylvania

OTHER ( OBSTACLE, BIKE TOURS & assorted adventures ETc.) – Not doing most of them… just listed 

Hope to see you all there.. and have a safe and healthy 2013!

2013 Athletic goals (updated)

Some of my athletic goals I have for the coming year include, many are about improving my times and performances. The thing with these goals is even on the same race course every day is different and unique , like Forest Gump said you never know what your gonna get.

  • Beat Duncan and Christine at Cherry Blossom 10k and improve my time over last year. Last year I held on until the halfway mark but then faded, finishing 2-3 minutes behind them..   !accomplished 4/7/2013
  • Do a sub49″ minute 10K  !accomplished 4/7/2013
  • Improve my half-marathon time. !accomplished
  • Beat My 1’57” time at the Wyckoff Triathlon, try to come closer to 1’50” .  This is doable I need to improve my run, my bike was pretty strong so  I think the run is where I have the biggest opportunity to improve. [improved but only a few minutes]
  • Beat My 1’31” time at the Westpoint triathlon try to go sub 1’30”  , improve on the on all three events
  • Improve my half-ironman time, I won’t even post my first time here it was abysmal, I’m hoping for a sub 6 hour half, but we’ll see how that goes. !goal not met 🙁
  • Stay injury and accident free! Always important!

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