Lazarus – Discover Windows, Mac & Linux cross platform Development IDE 5

Lazarus - Discover Windows, Mac & Linux cross platform Development IDE
If you’re a developer of a certain age (say north of 35) you will likely have worked with or heard of Visual Basic and to a lesser known extent Delphi IDE (Integrated Development Environment) development platforms. These development IDE’s, were very popular in the mid to late 90’s and ushered in an era or rapid Windows applications ...

PHP 7 is here! 1

PHP 7 is here!
It looks like the latest edition of PHP has been released, PHP 7 , and it  brings a lot of new enhancements. Its biggest new capabilities are vast speed improvements, rumor has it that its on par with Facebook’s proprietary HHVM project (PHP JIT compiler). There’s a nice write up here over at of PHP ...

genetic algorithms in PHP code example of (evolutionary programming ) 20

genetic algorithms  in PHP code example of (evolutionary programming )
This posting and php code sample is about fascinating topic of  Genetic Algorithms (GA) which simulate evolution using computer code to help find  near-optimal solutions when dealing with problems that  involve multiple disparate requirements. I recently began playing with Genetic algorithms (Genetic algorithms  GA, for short) which  are  part of a class of evolutionary algorithms (EA) that make up ...

WordPress fixing unattached images – empty media library

WordPress fixing unattached images - empty media library
Having recently been the victim of WordPress site hack (vandalized) I was forced to move to a new hosting company, and move over all my content, but I didn’t want to copy my database verbatim, as I was worried that there may have been some SQL (Iframe like injected) into portions of my database.  So what ...

Bootstrap Bootgrid with PHP json server side script 37

Bootstrap Bootgrid with PHP json server side script
I recently came across Jquery Bootgrid, which is Twitter Bootstrap (aka bootstrap)  friendly table grid, that is very similar in function to Datatables.While not as feature rich as datatables (yet), it provides a very tiny 4Kb (minified and gzipped) footprint and allows you to leverage all the typography and layout control elements that are present in bootstrap. ...

Cross platform mobile development (android / ios) , consider Intel XDK 4

Cross platform mobile development  (android / ios) , consider Intel XDK
These days a common idiom is that there’s an app for that (coined by Apple marketing) ,and for the two major platforms Android and iOS and too a lesser extent Windows Phone, there generally is a wide range of mobile applications that do all sorts of stuff, from complicated software suites similar to Excel and Word to simple sound ...

Using server-side PHP Datatables (grid) with SQLite / MySQL PDO 44

Using server-side PHP  Datatables (grid) with SQLite / MySQL  PDO
I have been a fan of using datatables for a while and always wanted to generalize the server side example to be able to use SQLite, MySQL or any other PDO supported database. For the longest time in my projects I have used PHP AdoDB as my Database abstraction layer, mostly because it came with ...

Linux backup and rotate script 11

A common task to do with backups is to rotate them , so that you have multiple copies of critical files going back x days. Below is a bash script (Linux command line) that does this. Why Rotate Backups? Why not just one current backup file… The primary reason to have a rotating backup system, ...

PHP backup monitoring and alert script: prevent backup rot… 3

PHP backup monitoring and alert script: prevent backup rot...
One of the key components with any IT software system is putting together an automated , reliable backup solution. Gone are the days of manually backing up files to a removable media, with our interconnected world we can simply setup some form of cloud back up and go. In a previous post I discussed how ...