Turks and Caicos in July: A Hot and Humid Vacation

Turks and Caicos in July: A Hot and Humid Vacation
Christine and I recently took a trip to Turks and Caicos in July. We usually travel to the. Caribbean in the Fall or Winter so it was our first time in the Summer and it turned out to be hot and humid, right from teh minute you landed… but we were still looking forward to ...

2023 Wyckoff/Franklin Lakes Triathlon – new course

2023 Wyckoff/Franklin Lakes Triathlon - new course
Here’s  my Wyckoff/Franklin lakes Triathlon 2023. video recap. This was the 40th anniversary of this race, means this race started in 1983 and is still being held. This year’s course was changed form last year, since this race it re-started following a two year COVID hiatus, its now a sprint distance race, this year’s course ...

First time River Kayak Camping 3-days / 2 nights …. Lessons Learned 1

First time  River Kayak Camping 3-days / 2 nights .... Lessons Learned
Our trip adventure Back in September of 2021 a group of friends an I went Kayak Camping on the Susquehanna River in the Harrisburg , PA area, our trip Friday-through Sunday was a 3 day, 2 night adventure out on the river. Kayak camping is a great way to see the world , depending on ...

Best video summary of how ChatGPT / LLM work

Best video summary of how ChatGPT / LLM work
If you search the web you’ll find lots of summaries about how ChatGPT and in general , however there’s an excellent Youtube video from ByteByte Go Channel linked below that does an excellent easy to understand light technical overview of how ChatGPT (and most other Large Language Models) work.

Best modern 2024 HTML (free) website templates and designs 6

Best modern 2024 HTML (free) website templates and designs
Designing a modern (responsive) HTML web page is not a trivial task, not only do you need to have a good sense of design and an artistic flare, but there’s a wide assortment of technical items (fonts, css styling, javascript components, etc.) that need to be implemented to meet your or your clients demand for ...

How to Rsync between two folders automatically on file changes 3

How to Rsync between two folders automatically on file changes
A common usage of rsync is to copy files from one location to another, rsync is the successor of scp command . However, there are some advantages that rsync has over scp: Incremental transfer: rsync can transfer only the differences between two files, which makes it faster and more efficient than scp. This is particularly ...

Keeping Things Running: Mastering Background Processes in Linux

Keeping Things Running: Mastering Background Processes in Linux
In the world of Linux, sometimes you need tasks to run indefinitely without hogging your terminal. This is where background processes come into play! They allow you to continue using your terminal while long-running operations quietly execute in the background. There are three primary ways to achieve this: 1. The “&” Operator: This is the ...

a week in beautiful O’ahu , Hawa’ii 2

a week in beautiful O'ahu , Hawa'ii
Waikiki Bay in Honolulu,, in front of the statue of the father of Hawaiian Surf culture, Olympian Duke Kahanamoku Aloha, readers! Christine and I recently (Back in earlier December 2022) had the opportunity to explore the beautiful island of Oahu in Hawaii, and we had an amazing time. This was our second trip to the ...
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