West Point Triathlon 2018 recap

West Point Triathlon 2018 recap
Here’s  my West Point Triathlon 2018 video recap. Rather than a race report blog posting I decided to do a video edit of the race.  In brief, I’m disappointed with my performance especially on the run.  But there’s always next year. Anyways, see how it unfolded from my perspective.. * westuit legal/worn

Magic5 Swim goggle review 37

Magic5 Swim goggle review
This is a short review of my experience with the Magic5 Swim goggles. Magic5 goggles are custom made , custom-fitted goggles that promise to transform the age old issue of leaky and ill fitting goggles into a perfect leak-free  fit. Leaky goggles are the bane of anyone who spends enough time in the pool or ...

Ultimate spectator guide to Kona Ironman World Championship triathlon 8

Ultimate spectator guide to Kona Ironman World Championship triathlon
So here’s my spectator Guide to watching and enjoying the  Ironman Wold Championships live and in-person .  This guide will focus on the  best spots to watch, when and where to be , recommended camera/video gear to use, and how to enjoy the day and soak in the event.    Of course  vacationing in Hawaii ...

Staten Island Triathlon 2017 – Race Report 1

Staten Island Triathlon 2017 - Race Report
A few weekends ago, a bunch of  friends and I  took part in the 9th annual 2017 Staten Island Triathlon held at the Midland Beach,  Staten Island, New York.  Held in honor or Rocco Laurie , this race raises money for the  Rocco Laurie Foundation.  This is a convenient local sprint race plus this year ...

2017 Wyckoff/Franklin Lakes Triathlon

2017 Wyckoff/Franklin Lakes Triathlon
This weekend I took part in the 2017 edition (35rd Annual)  Wyckoff/Franklin Lakes  triathlon.  This is a “Sprint-Lympic” distance race. Its a  800m swim, 17 mile bike and 5 mile run. Weather conditions were overcast and foggy at start, but overall comfortable. This years event again was less crowded and did not sell out less than 500 ...

Navesink Swim 2017

Navesink Swim 2017
This weekend, I took part in the 11th annual Nave-sink -or- swim, it’s a an open water distance swim race and festival held in Rumson, NJ at the Navesink cove at Victory Park.This year there was a bit of fog hanging over the river at the start but  like  the  last few years the weather was perfect ...

Football practice filmed with my drone

Football practice filmed with my drone
Decided to spend some time this afternoon over at Foley field, in Bloomfield, to practice flying My DJI Phantom 3 drone.  The field is an  excellent place because its wide open. To make it more interesting I decided to  make my drone do some crane cam work as  some guys out there doing some football ...

2017 Rutgers Unite 13.1 half

2017 Rutgers Unite 13.1 half
This year Rutgers 13.1 fell on the same day as the Cherry Blossom 10k , so Christine and I decided to do Rutgers 13.1 (last year we sided with Cherry Blossom 10k) , Christine and I once again were back to take on the Rutgers/Unite 13.1 half marathon. Weather was perfect clear blue skies and ...
Newark , US
4:55 am
Few clouds
High: 23°F
Low: 18°F
Wind: 16 mph