Cool airplane paint schemes 2

Cool airplane paint schemes
Saw this today on , it shows some really interesting and colorful plane liveries. This appeals to both my interest in aviation and photography. To see more of these schemes visit where you’ll find s boatload of airplane photos.

Future of high-speed travel is not by air but by “rail” 8

Future of high-speed travel is not by air but by
The more you live the more you realize how things change. While your going through it,change sometimes seems to take forever but only when we reflect back does it seem so obvious and apparent. Oddly  one area of change that hasn’t progressed much since my birth in the early seventies is that of high-speed travel, ...

My Quirky Bucket List

My Quirky Bucket List
Ahh the proverbial bucket list. Its that time of year, when people begin to think of New Year’s resolutions. So I prefer to think a little longer term, not just in the next year, but lifetime….  As we complete yet another orbit around the sun, its time to  realize as discomforting as it may be, ...

My first visit to Dominican Republic

My first visit to Dominican Republic
I recently traveled to Dominican Republic (D.R.) . I had previously been to the Bahamas, Cancun and Puerto Rico, so I was curious to visit D.R. as I have several friend who are from there.  It was a fun trip and I had a good experience.  There were a few hiccups, like my gms phone didn’t work with the ...