Running in the fall

Running in the fall
Here on the East coast and many other parts of the US , nature is a cornucopia of colors as the trees perform their annual ritual of fall. Its one of the best times to run, or do anything outdoors that let’s you take in all the scenery. Luckily my favorite running path is through ...

Cool airplane paint schemes 2

Cool airplane paint schemes
Saw this today on , it shows some really interesting and colorful plane liveries. This appeals to both my interest in aviation and photography. To see more of these schemes visit where you’ll find s boatload of airplane photos.

Balloon Festival

Balloon Festival
For a change of pace we decided to head over to the PNC /Quick Check hot air balloon festival held annually at Solberg Airport in Readington, NJ. The festival features close to 100 hot air balloons , as well as hot air character balloons (similar to those you’ll find in big parades). You have to ...

2013 Sunset Classic 5 mi. Run

2013 Sunset Classic 5 mi. Run
Today a bunch of friends of mine plus about 600 other participants took part in the 25th edition of the Bloomfield Sunset Classic 5 miler. What makes this race unique is that its held in the early evening on a weeknight typically in the humid and hot weather of a  NJ summer. Its a very ...

Race Photos: Mayor’s Trophy 5k Run Rahway

Race Photos: Mayor's Trophy 5k Run Rahway
Today a some friends of mine took part in the 2013 Mayor’s Trophy 5k Run Rahway held at Rahway City hall  Congrats to all the winners and finishers!  It was a fun event, and below are a few select photos from the event . I have uploaded all the photos here to my Picasa Albums linked ...

Review: Pivothead Durango video sunglasses 6

Review: Pivothead Durango video sunglasses
I recently purchased a pair of Pivothead Durango video sunglasses which replaced my recently broken Inventio-HD 720P  . I had to return the Inventio-HD 720P because of an apparent hardware issue, I was not longer able to record or save/update to the memory drive on the device, tried everything but  something went awry. Pivothead Reviews and ...

Cherry Blossoms Photo walk 2

Cherry Blossoms Photo walk
Today we took advantage of the nice weather and during the peak of the Cherry Blossoms we did a little photo walking. Branch Brook Park is renowned for ts Cherry Blossom trees, and while they bloomed a little later than usual this year, we are lucky enough to live a mile from the park and ...

Race Photos: B. Schwartz Memorial (Garden State Plaza) 5K /1 mile Run 1

Race Photos: B. Schwartz Memorial (Garden State Plaza) 5K /1 mile Run
Today a few friends of mine took part in the Benjamin Schwartz Memorial 5K /1 mile Run at Garden State Plaza, held at the Garden State Plaza mall.  Congrats to all the winners and finishers!  It was a fun event, and below are a few select photos from the event … I have uploaded all the ...