Social Security is a generational Ponzi scheme and the marks are Gen Z and millennial’s 1

Social Security is a generational Ponzi scheme and the marks are Gen Z and  millennial's
So here we are in 2020 , and Millennial’s and GenZ will begin or makeup the vast portion of the workforce for the coming decades. They dutifully contribute to Social Security supporting the army of retired Boomers and Gen X. Problem is , they likely won’t be see much if any of that money themselves. ...

most Americans will likely retire into poverty 3

most Americans will likely retire into poverty
Came across an interesting 2¢ video on Youtube basically discussing what you need to do to have a shot at retirement.. needless to say it got me thinking..  and here’s my own 2cents conclusion..  Great video but oohhh 2¢ , way too optimistic with those projections. The short answer is that thanks to wealth inequality , probably ...

US taxes : why doesn’t the I.R.S Automate our tax returns?

US taxes : why doesn't the I.R.S Automate our tax returns?
It’s 2019 and the US government already has all the major  information about your annual taxes, so why are we still filing tax forms like its 1950’s? Sadly automated tax filing already exists in many countries, so  why not here in the US? simple answer corporate greed.,the tax preparation industry and lobbyists have pushed hard ...

instead of UBI, why not Universal Basic Housing (UBH) plus social support?

instead of UBI, why not Universal Basic Housing (UBH)  plus social support?
So UBI  (  universal basic income ) is one proposed solution to dealing with growing wealth inequality and coming demographics and social changes that will make the notion of the 1950’s capitalistic “hard work” untenable in heavily automated world of tomorrow. BEME youtube video on UBI of course as the video above points out there’s ...

next US stock market correction like 90’s Japan Nikkie bubble? 1

next US stock market correction like 90's Japan Nikkie bubble?
Could the next stock market correction / crash be like the 1990’s Japan Nikkie Bubble? A question to ponder, as the stock market as of this writing at the close of  2017 has reaches all-time highs levels for all the major indexes.  Could we see a correction so severe and long lasting that it might ...

Topics I wish were taught in high school; but wasn’t ..

Topics I wish were taught in high school; but wasn't ..
Having grown up in the US and having gone through the public education system from K to 12 grade in the 90’s  , I have a pretty strong opinion  about some of BASIC LIFE KNOWLEDGE I SHOULD HAVE BEEN TAUGHT, but wasn’t. Rather as an adult I had to piece together this knowledge through experience. ...

protecting your IRA | 401k account for big stock market correction 2

protecting your IRA | 401k account for big stock market correction
It’s July 2018 , and the stock market has been on a tear since the US  2016 election (S&P 500 2181 Nov 7 2016) to today 2742 (Jul 1,2018) its been up 25.7%+  for the S&P 500 index., many stocks are richly valued. There’s a growing chorus of  market and economic experts (Jim Rodgers,  Peter ...

401k – a risky retirement and what you can do… 2

401k - a risky retirement and what you can do...
My premise is that the 401k WAS NEVER ORIGINALLY designed to be a true retirement instrument , (one that accounts for inflation and is not subject to the  whims of the market, aka potential declines, and offers a steady stream of income into retirement). I’m going to outline there are substantial risks in 401k as ...